EFT Tapping Videos

This selection of videos will introduce you to the basics of EFT Tapping, more advanced techniques for serious issues, and provide a number of examples of using EFT for specific issues.

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  • EFT Tapping Points - Shortcut Method

    EFT Tapping Points - Shortcut Method

    A Guide to the most commonly used EFT Tapping Points.

  • EFT Tapping Full Basic Recipe

    EFT Tapping Full Basic Recipe

    The Emotional Freedom Techniques aka EFT tapping helps the body reset stress and trauma in the brain and body. Most people use the EFT Shortcut Method yet the full basic recipe can help when you feel that you’re not getting a shift.

  • Finding the right words - EFT Tapping

    Finding the right words - EFT Tapping

    One of the first things that you struggle with when learning EFT is finding the right words to say while tapping. This video helps you get over the fear and worry of finding the "right" words and instead helps you relax and express yourself clearly with whatever words describe what you are feeling.

  • EFT Setup Statement: Alternatives to saying "I accept myself"

    EFT Setup Statement: Alternatives to saying "I accept myself"

    With EFT Tapping we use a setup phrase such as "Even though I feel ..., I deeply and completely accept myself". However, sometimes we struggle to feel congruent with the second half. It just doesn't ring true for us. This video gives you some alternatives to the standard EFT setup phrase.